Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a minute and list a few things that I am thankful for.
1. My relationship with the Lord. I am constantly learning and growing my relationship with him.
2. My husband for all he does for our family
3. Connor who has taught me how to be a kid again. He is always doing things to bring a huge smile to my face. He even told his class he is thankful for his mommy!
3. Camryn who has reminded me how unique girls are. I love her smile when she sees me. She is my angel!
4. Family for without them I would not have the wonderful support system
5. My sister who alwasy knows when her big sister is in need of sister time.
6. My team at school who is always there with encouragement
7. My friends who always make a huge difference in my life

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Connor and his candy

Only my son asks for a piece of candy and instead of eating it he begins sorting his candy. First he sorts by color wrapper and then by the candy itself. He spent 30 minutes soritng it all different ways!