Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My baby turns 4 next week

I would like to say that I am having a very hard time with Connor turning 4 next Tuesday. It amazes how big he is. I was watching him today as he sat on the floor singing to his sister. It was the sweetest moment. All I could think is that he was once that little and now we are planning a dinosuar party. I know that all kids grow up but he is growing up so fast. He loves to do what ever his dad does. He loves to go to work in the office like daddy and work on a computer. He is jsut so big!

What a Month

These are just a few of the pictures that I have taken over the month. The kids and I spent 12 days at my Mom's to help while she had Kayleigh. Brandy and Wes were on an Alsakan cruise. ( I so wanted to go!) What a week we had! Kayleigh and Connor had so much fun playing in the pool and haaving a popsicle each night. Camryn enjoyed playing in her swing where she could watch the other kids. We celebrated my birthday with princess cupcakes and lots of "jewels
that Connor picked out. We made crafts projects. We let the kids cook. Mom and I even ventured into town with all 3 kids. I had so much fun getting to help and be there. I am going to attach a few more pictures of the kids.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Son the Dare Devil

Connor has been taking swim lessons for the past 2 weeks. He loves going to swim school with Ms. Aimee and his friend from school. He hates having to hold on to the wall. Every morning we discuss why we hold onto the wall. Connor feels that if he can touch, he can move around.

Last Friday we went to my Aunt's to swim. He decieded that he did not need his life jacket. My aunt very patiently practiced all of his swim lessons with him. Here is a picture of my little
dare devil.