Friday, December 25, 2009


Tonight as we celebrated Christmas as a family (just the 4 of us), I sat and watched in amazement. As I was rocking Camryn, I noticed the ornaments on the tree. I noticed Camryn's first ornament. As I looked at, I thought about the joy she has brought to our family. Then I noticed the ornament that Chris and I got when we bought our house. As I looked at the ornaments on the tree, I began to think about all those special memories. Later as Connor was opening his presents and watching the excitement with each gift, I thought back to my Christmas' as a child. I thank God every day for my children. They have taught me so much and I have learned so much from them. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a minute and list a few things that I am thankful for.
1. My relationship with the Lord. I am constantly learning and growing my relationship with him.
2. My husband for all he does for our family
3. Connor who has taught me how to be a kid again. He is always doing things to bring a huge smile to my face. He even told his class he is thankful for his mommy!
3. Camryn who has reminded me how unique girls are. I love her smile when she sees me. She is my angel!
4. Family for without them I would not have the wonderful support system
5. My sister who alwasy knows when her big sister is in need of sister time.
6. My team at school who is always there with encouragement
7. My friends who always make a huge difference in my life

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Connor and his candy

Only my son asks for a piece of candy and instead of eating it he begins sorting his candy. First he sorts by color wrapper and then by the candy itself. He spent 30 minutes soritng it all different ways!

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Kids Costumes

Here the halloween costumes for this year. Connor started out wanting to be a ghost. I got that costume made and yesterday he informed me that he wanted to be a spider. So I made a spider costume last night. It is not the best but for me, I think I did a good job. You can't see his "legs" in the picture because of how he was acting for the camera.

Connor and the Zipline

Yes I said zipline. We went to Josh's birthday party on Oct. 24 at a racnh in Azle! This was one amzing place. Connor saw the zipline as we pulled in and quickly announced that he wanted to do that. When he decided that it was time to do it, he jumped for the chance.He suited up and waited his turn. I was very nervous abou t this but Connor and his daddy were very excited. He finally got up to the top and waved as he went "flying" by. He loved it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I do not have a picture to post of my little girl who is 7 months old today! As I watched her smile and light up at seeing daddy this morning, it made me think. They grow up so fast. She is not going to be my baby for long. I love watching her grow and discover new things but I am not ready for her grow up. This weekend we moved from the infant carrier to a true car seat. She loves it. She can see what's around her. I guess I am just ready for my babies to grow up.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

State Fair

My sister invited the kids and I to the State Fair today. Connor was so excited because he was going to the air show and to see cows. We finally convinced him that we were at the State Fair not the air show. (That is in a few weeks.) As we walked up to the livestock barn, here came a baby donkey. HE squealed. Kayleigh made the moo sound as we passed the cows. ( There were both steers and heifers.) Soon we found the Barnyard. Camryn hung with Wesley and Brandy and I took Kayleigh and Connor through. He loved the giraffe , zebras, kangaroo and the pig with babies. The kids loved seeing Big Tex as Wesley got us a Fletcher's corndog. We walked thru some exhibits. Camryn discovered cotton candy. Brandy leaned a little to close to her and Camryn helped herself to Brnady's cotton candy. The kids had so much fun. I love seeing their excitement over something as little as a baby pig. It was a blast.

Camryn's First Art Project

Camryn's babysitter, Ms. Kathy decided to do an art project with kids on Thursday. When I got there to pick up Camryn up, she showed me the art project. She did there handprint in clay. After she had Camryn do her handprint, Kathy painted it. It is the sweetet thing that I had seen all day. It made me want to cry. Friday the art project came home. I can't wait to get hung up.

Friday, September 11, 2009


My son and the things he says! This morning he and I stopped at Albertson's to get a toy for show and tell because I forgot (That is a story in itself!)As we were checking out, the cashier handed me a flyer about one of the players from the Cowboy's coming to the store. Connor got real excited. On the way to the car, he is telling me how much he loves the Cowboys. So I asked him if he knew who the Cowboy's were? He very proudly response with Yes I do ! They are the people who get to ride horses! All I could do was smile.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fish Update

So earlier in the week I blogged about Connor getting a fish for his room. He was so excited that Ruby would be in his room. Well Monday morning I went in his room to get his shoes and noticed that Ruby was swimming around. I sent Chris in to confirm my fear and I was right. Ruby had passed on during the night. Chris explained to Connor that Ruby had passed away. Connor was quite upset but was promised that he could get a new Ruby fish this weekend. He has reminded us about this as the weekend is almost here. Keep your fingers crossed that the new fish will make it longer than a few hours.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Darling Kids

This has been the craziest week with school starting and learing our morning and evening rountine. Each day this week I come home to the best kids. When I pick Connor up from his school, he proudly tells that I am his best friend and that he loves me as he gets into the car. It just makes me smile! Camryn has learned to give kisses so each evening she gives me kisses and then smiles up at you. It just makes my heart swell with happiness. The greatest gift the Lord gave me was motherhood. I never knew that I could truely love someone so much until I married Chris and then later became a Mom. Chris is always telling me that he loves coming home to Connor who greets him with such excitment and Camryn who smiles the minutes she hears his voice. I am so proud and honored to be Mom to such amazing kids!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I may be CRAZY

I have decieded that I want a fish as a class pet so I went and picked out a Beta for my classroom. I must say that Sal is a very handsome blue Beta. While I was picking out my fish, Connor decided that he needed a Ruby fish. (Ruby is from Land Before Time.) So Connor came home with a Red beta. We set up the tank and got Ruby's home all ready. Chris and I have discussed with him the responsiblities of having a pet fish. Connor is so excited to have Ruby in his room next to his bed. He informed me that he will be sleeping in his bed now so that Ruby won't be scared.

Friday, August 21, 2009


As school starts Monday I began to think how rushed things are this time of year. I have spent many hours up at school working in my room and in meetings. I come home to rush dinner and get kids bathed and in the bed. This afternoon my babysitter, who has been a huge help in my room at school, commented that I seemed to be going in 50 different places at one time. So this got me thinking... I need to slow down and take the time to enjoy what is going on. I have to learn that if I do not get something done, there is always tomorrow.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Growing Up

My son spent the night at his cousins last night. It was the first time that he has spent the night at someone's house besides my sisters. I did not sleep much last night waiting for the call and noticing how empty the house felt without him here. Camryn enjoyed not having her big brother here because she had Mommy and Daddy's full attention all night and this morning.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Connor turns 4!

Connor is 4 today! I can hardly believe it! He was up at 6 this morning to tell us that he needed a whole bunch of milk filled way up top and that he was 4 now. He has had a blast playing with some of his presents. Chris and I gave him a T- Rex for his birthday that Connor loves. He took the T-Rex to the doctor this morning, to get a hair cut and the T-Rex joined us for lunch at the table before both T-Rex and Connor took a nap on the couch! What a birthday so far!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My baby turns 4 next week

I would like to say that I am having a very hard time with Connor turning 4 next Tuesday. It amazes how big he is. I was watching him today as he sat on the floor singing to his sister. It was the sweetest moment. All I could think is that he was once that little and now we are planning a dinosuar party. I know that all kids grow up but he is growing up so fast. He loves to do what ever his dad does. He loves to go to work in the office like daddy and work on a computer. He is jsut so big!

What a Month

These are just a few of the pictures that I have taken over the month. The kids and I spent 12 days at my Mom's to help while she had Kayleigh. Brandy and Wes were on an Alsakan cruise. ( I so wanted to go!) What a week we had! Kayleigh and Connor had so much fun playing in the pool and haaving a popsicle each night. Camryn enjoyed playing in her swing where she could watch the other kids. We celebrated my birthday with princess cupcakes and lots of "jewels
that Connor picked out. We made crafts projects. We let the kids cook. Mom and I even ventured into town with all 3 kids. I had so much fun getting to help and be there. I am going to attach a few more pictures of the kids.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Son the Dare Devil

Connor has been taking swim lessons for the past 2 weeks. He loves going to swim school with Ms. Aimee and his friend from school. He hates having to hold on to the wall. Every morning we discuss why we hold onto the wall. Connor feels that if he can touch, he can move around.

Last Friday we went to my Aunt's to swim. He decieded that he did not need his life jacket. My aunt very patiently practiced all of his swim lessons with him. Here is a picture of my little
dare devil.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rangers vs, Astros

For Father's Day we took Chris to see the Rangers play the Astros. We all went and enjoyed the games. Here is a picture of the kids on the way to the game:

It took Connor a while to wake up and get into the game but when he did, he had a blast, He loves sports so this was right up his alley. He and his Daddy discussed the players and what each did and who hit, caught and missed the ball. He loved the firecrackers after the Rangers got a homerun. Camryn was great through the whole thing. She loved watching the people around us. Her only complaint was that it was hot. Here are picture of the kids right after we got to the game. Connor was not quite awake yet.

What a Dad

What a Dad! I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband but even better a great Dad. He loves doing things with the kids. Connor loves to be just like his daddy. Camryn loves to hear his voice. My kids are very lucky to have a great dad!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Connor's Last Day of School

When I told Connor on Monday that this was his last week of school, he proudly announced that he would just go to DD's school. He is so smart he can go straight to college so he thinks. :) So this morning we are pulling into the daycare he announces that he does not want to go to school. He wants to go to Sunday School. He was so mad at me because he had to go to school not Sunday School. I had a very tough time explaining to him that we would be the only ones in the parking lot at the church. It makes me very proud as a mother that he can't wait to go back to church.

P.S. I am very sad that he is leaving his teacher at school. He has had a FABULOUS teacher. She is wonderful.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Shopping with 2

I thought I would run to the grocery store after church in Sunday to get stuff for dinner, along with a few other things. I get to the store, put Connor in the basket with his lunch and put Camryn in the carrier ( the one you wear ). She hated it. I get her calmed down and us into the store as Connor announces to me he has to go the bathroom. At this point I am thinking to myself that maybe this isn't such a good idea. I get Connor to the bathroom and realize that Camryn is sinking farther into this carrier. As I start trying to readjust her, I notice that the sides to the carrier are not staying snapped. Connor is now out of the bathroom and ready to push the basket instead of ride in it. I quickly decide that I will only get the suff for dinner and head home. I get him back in the basket, adjust Camryn and head for produce.

Needless to say I did survive the trip. I did not get everything I needed, meaning I have to go after work but at least I can leave them with their Daddy!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Connor's MP3 Player

Connor has discovered my MP3 Player. He has decided that it is his now. He walks around with the house with earphones in his ear,playing with it. He has discovered the music I have on it, pictures and a radio. (I had no idea it had a radio!) He informed that this was now his and I could get another one.

Life with 2

Things I have discovered that I can do with 2 children:
1. Eat while holding one and sweet talking the other intp trying the meat.
2. Cook
3. Going to the grocery store is an adventure. When I am taking both, we get the baisics: formula, diapers, bread, lots of milk and a prize ( Connor loves his milk and prizes.)
4. I have discovered that I can drive to my Mom's and back with 2 kids. The trip was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.
5. Clean house. Connor loves to help me clean these days.
6. Take 2 kids to daycare. I had to take Connor to his school and Camryn to her babysitter. I manages to do all this, go to the grocery store to get the formula I forgot to put into the diaper bag and still made it wo work in time to pick up my class.
7. Sleep! Camryn is sleeping through the night and Connor is back in his big boy bed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What a joy

I went back to work on Monday. It was very hard to go back. I was not ready to leave Camryn yet. I am very lucky that Chris was able to take the next 2 weeks off and stay home with her. And then DD is coming the last 2 weeks of school. Back to my first day back.... It was great to see my students and my friends at school but I spent the day watching the clock. I was home by 4:20 to be greeted by Connor with a "Hey Mom" and the biggest grin from Camryn. That grin made coming home so worth it. Of course Connor wanted me to sit and tell him what I did at school. Can you tell that I ask him that alot?!? I love how kids adore you no matter what kind of day you have had or having. They always know excatly what to say.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Look what I did

I decided to paint the kids bathroom and hallway. So I went and bougth the paint and on Wednesday I got up and painted. Painting with a 5 week old in the house is not very easy. I had to wait for naptime to finish. She at least leat me do half a wall at a time while she was awake. I know that it does not look professional but I think I did a pretty good job.

The Hallway between their rooms

The Kid's Bathroom

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Camryn is 1 month old

It is hard to believe that she is a month old. The last 4 weeks have gone by so quickly. We took herin for her check up today and she weighs 9lbs 5 oz. She amazes me everyday. She loves to watch her big brother when we are in the car. She sleeps thru all the shopping trips. (For those of you who really know me, know how I love to shop!) She is staying up longer during the day and sleeping more at night! YEA!!!! Here are a few pictures of here over the last 4 weeks. The picture from the hospital was the day she was born. The picture in the pink dress is at 2 weeks. The picture of Camryn, Connor and Kayleigh was at 4 weeks and the picture of her dressed in butterflies was also at 4 weeks.
P.S. I will work on my layout of the pictures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The First Try

I am going to give the blogging thing a shot. We have lots family and friends who ask about the kids so I thought this would be a great way to keep them informed and show off the kids. So please be patient with me as I do this!