Thursday, April 23, 2009

Look what I did

I decided to paint the kids bathroom and hallway. So I went and bougth the paint and on Wednesday I got up and painted. Painting with a 5 week old in the house is not very easy. I had to wait for naptime to finish. She at least leat me do half a wall at a time while she was awake. I know that it does not look professional but I think I did a pretty good job.

The Hallway between their rooms

The Kid's Bathroom

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Camryn is 1 month old

It is hard to believe that she is a month old. The last 4 weeks have gone by so quickly. We took herin for her check up today and she weighs 9lbs 5 oz. She amazes me everyday. She loves to watch her big brother when we are in the car. She sleeps thru all the shopping trips. (For those of you who really know me, know how I love to shop!) She is staying up longer during the day and sleeping more at night! YEA!!!! Here are a few pictures of here over the last 4 weeks. The picture from the hospital was the day she was born. The picture in the pink dress is at 2 weeks. The picture of Camryn, Connor and Kayleigh was at 4 weeks and the picture of her dressed in butterflies was also at 4 weeks.
P.S. I will work on my layout of the pictures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The First Try

I am going to give the blogging thing a shot. We have lots family and friends who ask about the kids so I thought this would be a great way to keep them informed and show off the kids. So please be patient with me as I do this!