Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rangers vs, Astros

For Father's Day we took Chris to see the Rangers play the Astros. We all went and enjoyed the games. Here is a picture of the kids on the way to the game:

It took Connor a while to wake up and get into the game but when he did, he had a blast, He loves sports so this was right up his alley. He and his Daddy discussed the players and what each did and who hit, caught and missed the ball. He loved the firecrackers after the Rangers got a homerun. Camryn was great through the whole thing. She loved watching the people around us. Her only complaint was that it was hot. Here are picture of the kids right after we got to the game. Connor was not quite awake yet.

What a Dad

What a Dad! I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband but even better a great Dad. He loves doing things with the kids. Connor loves to be just like his daddy. Camryn loves to hear his voice. My kids are very lucky to have a great dad!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Connor's Last Day of School

When I told Connor on Monday that this was his last week of school, he proudly announced that he would just go to DD's school. He is so smart he can go straight to college so he thinks. :) So this morning we are pulling into the daycare he announces that he does not want to go to school. He wants to go to Sunday School. He was so mad at me because he had to go to school not Sunday School. I had a very tough time explaining to him that we would be the only ones in the parking lot at the church. It makes me very proud as a mother that he can't wait to go back to church.

P.S. I am very sad that he is leaving his teacher at school. He has had a FABULOUS teacher. She is wonderful.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Shopping with 2

I thought I would run to the grocery store after church in Sunday to get stuff for dinner, along with a few other things. I get to the store, put Connor in the basket with his lunch and put Camryn in the carrier ( the one you wear ). She hated it. I get her calmed down and us into the store as Connor announces to me he has to go the bathroom. At this point I am thinking to myself that maybe this isn't such a good idea. I get Connor to the bathroom and realize that Camryn is sinking farther into this carrier. As I start trying to readjust her, I notice that the sides to the carrier are not staying snapped. Connor is now out of the bathroom and ready to push the basket instead of ride in it. I quickly decide that I will only get the suff for dinner and head home. I get him back in the basket, adjust Camryn and head for produce.

Needless to say I did survive the trip. I did not get everything I needed, meaning I have to go after work but at least I can leave them with their Daddy!!!!